Friday, February 23, 2007

passive voice

1.Present simple:
I do homework at home.
Change to:My homework is done at home.
2.Present continuous:
Dad is washing the car.
Change to:The car is washed by dad.
3.Past simple:The butcher killed the pig.
Change to:The pig was kiiled by the butcher.
4.Past continuous:My parents were cooking meat when I reached home.
Change to:The meat was being cooked when I reached home.
5.Present perfect:I have used up all my pencil lead in the past few days.
Change to:All my pencil lead have been used up in the past few days.
6.Future'going to':They are going to clean the tables the next day.
Change to:The tables are going to be cleaned the next day.
7.Future:I will clean it tommorow. Change to:It will be cleaned tommorow.

is money the root of all evil???

Errr... I guess that my answer is yes AND no...I mean.. Its very difficult to actually decide, and to give a answer as not all crimes or 'evil things' happen due to money..Okay, since it is so difficult to decide, I shall tell you why I would say 'Yes' and 'No'...

Lets start with the 'Yes' part..

Well, incidents or crimes such as robbery, pickpocketing, shoplifting,kidnapping and stealing cases are done by people because of money, so as to earn 'quick cash'.

But do think twice, some other cases like murder are NOT related to money..Thats when I get into the 'No' part...

Murder is an evil action but murder cases only occur when there are hatred between someone, but not because of money.That concludes that it is actually unfair to say that money is the root of evil...
Well, that is all I can say, and p.s. this is only my opinion, feel free to give a comment...8)

Monday, February 12, 2007

hhahahahah drafty

Hmmm... Lets see.. Did I learn anything from those boards at the canteen???Don't think so..Haha just kidding...Errmm....Oh I just remembered something..But...The information on those board were very long and extremely mind-bloggling. So I am just going to tell u the important points only..Lets begin with....

The five aspects of total defence:

(Bet you don't know)

1. Civil defence

2.Military defence

3.Economic defence

4.Social defence

5. (Last but not least) Psychological defence


Okay lets move on..

Did you know that the island wide public warning system(PWS) is a network of sirens that uses a series of sounds to warn the public of a crisis, disaster or threat so they can escape in time???

Let me give you an example:


How it sounds: wailing blasts

Situation: this is sounded when an air raid or shelling is imminet

What it means: move to shelter immediately


Last but not least,

I found out that public shelters will be managed by national service units and civil defence volunteers during an emergency ......

thats all folks!!!!!!8)

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

if i could be invisible for a day, i would...........

Hmm......I can't say"another difficult topic...blah..blah" again because I must admit that this isn't such a difficult topic..Haha..Thank god...
Well, the first thing that came to my mind when I heard what we were supposed to write on this topic was....scaring people I hate, or maybe those who are my enemy(especially the boys..[but that applies to some girls too]) Heh..heh... I not evil, don't get the wrong idea..
I would follow them and play tricks on them..
I would make everything that they look at float before their eyes...haha..(so your better not offend me)
If there really is going to be a day like this, I would really love to see the expression on their faces(my god)..They might be Frightened?Scared?Or even worse...urinate on their pants!!!!!!!!
Calm down Vanessa... calm down..
Okay, another choice is that I would go to the movies or themes park and every where in singapore..I mean, every tourist attraction in singapore needs a ticket to go in right???(and the price of it is not very cheap)But I think one day isn't enough to explore everywhere ( that shows that although singapore is just a little red dot, our tourist attraction is still a lot!!!)........
How I wish that such a day would really come ..........

Friday, February 2, 2007

what it means to be a little red dot....

Singaporeans normally hate being called a little red dot, but think about it again. Is it totally a negative way to call Singapore a little red dot? Well I dont think so....
Erm..In my opinion,I guess singapore is called a little red dot as although it is a very small country, it is making lots more money than other bigger countries .This term is now proudly taken by Singaporeans as evidence that Singapore’s importance is far greater than warranted by its size....let's see...hmm...WHAT ELSE......
2005 is the 40th anniversary of Singapore’s independence.singapore,this small and vulnerable country has become a stable, prosperous and respected member of the international community.Little red dot is sometimes misunderstood,the key reason for this is Singapore’s unique position.It is neither a developed or developing country, nor fully a member of the east or west. Surely, the “little red dot” on the map must now be taken more seriously and with greater respect.
Actually singapore has disadvantages and advantages too...Let me talk about the advantages first....
Singapore is alot safer than other countries as it does not have natural disasters such as earthquakes which bigger countries like China often experience.Singapore is also doing very
well financially too. Some other countries are also very envious that she is doing so well too.....
Next up...Disadvantages....
Singapore is too tiny.. it might even get covered up by sea water if tsunami hits us..(touchwood..)LAH
So singaporeans,be glad that we are called a little red dot!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

energy research for toilet

hmm.....'energy' seems to be quite simple and easy....should be a piece of cake......
Although the word energy has its roots in ancient science, today it is used in many other disciplines as well.In the natural sciences, energy can be described as the capacity of a system to do work. In turn, is defined as the result of application of a force(gravitational, electromagnetic, etc) through a physical distance. Due to the existence of a variety of forces in nature, energy and work have many different forms (gravitational, electric, heat, etc.), most of which can be grouped into two major categories: kinetic energy and potential energy.
The kinetic energy of an object is the extra energy which it possesses due to its motion. It is defined as the work needed to accelerate a body of a given mass from rest to its current velocity. Having gained this energy during its acceleration, the body maintains this kinetic energy unless its speed changes. Negative work of the same magnitude would be required to return the body to a state of rest from that velocity.
Potential energy is the energy that is by virtue of the relative positions (configurations) of the objects within a physical system. This form of energy has the potential to change the state of other objects around it, for example, the configuration or motion.
Various forms of energy can be grouped as potential energy. Each of these forms is associated with a particular kind of force acting in conjunction with some physical property of matter (such as mass, charge, elasticity, temperature etc). For example, gravitational potential energy is associated with the gravitational force acting on object's mass; elastic potential energy with the elastic force (ultimately electromagnetic force) acting on the elasticity of a deformed object; electrical potential energy with the coulombic force; strong nuclear force or weak nuclear force acting on the electric charge on the object; chemical potential energy, with the chemical potential of a particular atomic or molecular configuration acting on the atomic/molecular structure of the chemical substance that constitutes the object; thermal potential energy with the electromagnetic force in conjunction with the temperature of the object.
Gravitational potential energy is the potential energy that an object possesses by virtue of its mass and the gravitational force acting on it.
In everyday experience, gravitational potential energy arises most familiarly when an object is raised in the Earth's gravitational field. The object's increase in gravitational potential energy is equal to the amount of energy required to raise it, or, equivalently, the amount of energy that would be released if it were allowed to fall back to its original level.
Energy is a conserved quantity, meaning that it cannot be created or destroyed, but only converted from one form into another. Thus, the total energy of the universe always remains constant.Well I guess I would like to put some notes about energy we had learnt in science so my fellow school mates can even revise their notes when they are using the toilet..okay... well I supposed that was a long and mind-boggling post but it is actually quite alot of useful information...
the end..........

Friday, January 26, 2007

What Bugs Me Most...

Oh dear, another difficult topic that would make my brain explode. (Just exaggerating lah!) My brain is just like a hazel nut, whereas difficult questions and homework are like nutcrackers queuing up for their turns to crack me up. (Can't you just picture that scenario in your mind?) Ha! That would be so hilarious...
Okay, lets stop joking and start thinking... Hmm... what bugs me more?? Insects or irritating, idiotic boys...I think I will just settle it for insects, slimy icky ones that look very disgusting...
Worms are the ones that I hate most. It is most probably genetic as my mum and my four aunts are also extremely afraid of worms.Let me tell you a funny incident that happenned not long ago....
On 2006's Christmas eve, my aunts and uncles, together with my cousins, gathered at my third aunt's bungalow for BBQ. After eating a scrumptious meal, the ladies would sit comfortably to chat while the gentlemens would play videogames or watch football...
My uncle, which is my third aunt's husband, owns an aurowana fish about 50cm long and feeds it worms and frogs..(gross right?)My aunts were seated very near the fish tank and did not know what was inside the cupboard which kept the worms..
My very mischevious dad wanted to frighten my second aunt and he put some rubber bands in his hands..He showed my aunts the container of worms and pretended to take a few out..My aunts screamed so loudly, I thought the windows would shatter..
He threw the rubber bands at my second aunt. She burst into tears as she said she felt something brush past her (which was the rubber band)my mum scolded my dad and he apologised immediately.....that's the end of my story...although it is quite boring, i still think it's quite funny
Well, like i said it can be considered genetic...eeeeiiii....dadddy..there is a worm on my's all for today....
gotta go now...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What Is Something That You Like About Yourself ?

Hmm........What a difficult question!!! Lets see..Er..nothing ...nothing and...nothing!!! I am experiencing brainfreeze thinking of this question.. arrhhh!! So Hang On...Let me get a cup of hot chocolate to melt the ice in my brain..BRB...
Ahh... feel much better now!! Eh(??), where was I?? Oh, now I remembered,..Okay, lets get back to the topic...
Well, I can't seem to find anything that I like about myself...maybe having useful hands that are good at paper cutting?? Ahh.. yes... I won a few paper cutting competition 1-2 years ago. They were all first prize,except for one which I had gotten second.. (not bad already leh(oops singlish)!!
Chinese papercutting is a unique artform and has existed for thousands of years...I can't even believe it myself...
Although papercutting is a traditionally female activity, professional papercutting artists are, on the other hand, usually male..very surprising, isn't it??(bet you didn't know i knew so much about the history of paper cutting..0_o)
Once, I participated in a paper cutting competition in school during racial harmony day. If I am not wrong, it was year 2005 then..I got first and Michelle got second..(boy...was she angry then) The teachers who were helping us stick the cuttings into the paper even praised my cutting and said that it was beautiful..(I am not boasting or making it's a fact)
well I guess this is what I am(a little)good at AND what i like about myself....

Monday, January 22, 2007


“I will never ever be a gangster again! ”I said angrily. “ Nor will I borrow money from those terrible money-sucking loan sharks again!” grumbled my friend, Jeff. “Those stupid, horrible loan sharks landed us in jail, I will never ever turn to them again even if I am at my wits’ end.” I added regretfully. Thanks to the Yellow Ribbon project, I was able to find a job and pay off my debts quickly after I got out of jail. As I heard the roar of motorcycles whizzing past the road near the ‘Kopitiam’ cafeteria next to my house, I was transported back to the day when I made a terrible mistake and caused myself to get a criminal record..
"Boss!“ I pleaded pitifully, “I will do anything but I just cannot commit crimes... It’s ... against the law!” “I also never ask you to kill anyone! You want your life or not? When you step into my gang that means you will not be afraid of any stupid law! Understand?” shouted my ferocious boss. “You forget already meh? Or is it you deaf?” teased another member. The gangsters spoke to each other using either Hokkien or Broken English as they received very little education. My friend, Jeff and I were both highly educated and even went to University. We were then addicted to gambling and landed ourselves heavily in debt. We, the newest members of the triad, were supposed to steal a suitcase full of thousand-dollar bills, to prove ourselves worthy. That would pay all our debts and we could leave the triad once the money was sent back safely to our boss. The suitcase belongs to a filthy rich businessman, named Lee Mon Kee. Our boss gave us each a picture of him and he was actually quite small built. Agony and misery were written all over my face. I knew that I was not supposed to break the law, my parents told me that since I was I little child. But if I did not do that, it would cost my life. I was already mentally prepared to be arrested y the police. Even though Jeff appeared to be very brave, I could still sense him worrying about it is he could not sleep every night after we were told to steal the money.
The day ‘finally’ arrived. According to my boss, Mr Lee would walk along Palm Street every morning to a nearby café to have breakfast. Every Thursday, he would be passing a suitcase to his finance manager to bank in the week’s earnings. We decided to snatch it from him before his manager arrives, as his manager was very muscular. I would hop onto the motorcycle, which Jeff will be riding.
The operation began as soon as we calmed ourselves down. I ran across the road towards the café and snatched the suitcase from Mr Lee. I hopped on the getaway motorcycle and urged Jeff to step on it. At that moment, a shrill siren filled the air and we had to cover our ears to stop them from bursting. The siren stopped as abruptly as it had started. I turned my head to the direction of the siren. I craned my neck and strained my eyes, and finally found out that a police car was chasing us. We tore along the road at lightning speed and veered dangerously around a corner.
Passers-by cast quizzical glances at us and were terrified after knowing what was going on. Some of them almost jumped out of their skins in fright and the others screamed in fear and trepidation.
Jeff skidded to a halt on the uneven road and the impact flung us out of the motorcycle. I was bleeding a little and was sent to the hospital immediately. We told the police what had happened and returned the money back to its rightful owner. We confessed that we were actually assigned by our triad chief and were forced under circumstances. We were sent to jail for a few years and promised to turn over a new leaf. My parents forgave me for my actions and I promised them I would work hard to earn more money and let them retire. Although this had already happened a long time ago, I will always recall this incident whenever I past Palm Street.
Well, I learnt my lesson. Never join a gang or be a gangster when you grow up. Don’t think that being one is very cool; just thinking about your future, your families and friends who care for you. Remember my advice and you might have a bright future ahead of you.

Friday, January 19, 2007


I always thought that morals ,values and ethics are pretty much the same thing...
But now , after my very long research,i found out that they are actually quite different...
First up,'Morals'.....
Morals are motivation based on ideas of right and wrong... ...
Morals have a greater social element to values and tend to have a very broad acceptance. Morals are far more about good and bad than other values. We thus judge others more strongly on morals than values. A person can be described as immoral, yet there is no word for them not following values.
Coming next..., 'Ethics'...
You can have professional ethics, but you seldom hear about professional morals. Ethics tend to be codified into a formal system or set of rules which are explicitly adopted by a group of people. Thus you have medical ethics. Ethics are thus internally defined and adopted, whilst morals tend to be externally imposed on other people.
If you accuse someone of being unethical, it is equivalent of calling them unprofessional and may well be taken as a significant insult and perceived more personally than if you called them immoral (which of course they may also not like).
Well,i admit that it is quite difficult to concentrate on reading this huge chunk of words but it should help you understand better(on morals and enthics)..
Hope U Like This Copy And Paste Story...


Thursday, January 18, 2007


if i could live anywhere in the world, i would live in a place free from irritating boy(like those in my class) and homework,students would not need to go to school and money would just drop from the would be extremely carefree if there is such a place....
okay,back to real life..if i could life in whatever country i want to , i would still choose to stay in Singapore..Although Singapore is just a small dot in the map,she has many advantages too..Singapore is alot safer than other countries as it does not have natural disasters such as earthquakes which bigger countries like China often experience.Singapore is also doing very well financially too. Some other countries are also very envious that she is doing so well too.....
Singapore is my homeland, it is where i belong..i am proud of Singapore and i will always remember it.....

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

First Post Today(Past PerfectTense)

Er......Lets see....What have I learnt today???...Oh...Now I remember,'Past Perfect Tense'!!The past perfect tense is often used in English when we are relating two events which happened in the past..
Past perfect tense is formed using two
components: the verb HAVE (in the past tense), and the past participle form of a verb. With a regular verb the past participle ends with -ED (just like the simple past). Irregular verbs have a special past participle form that you have to learn. Here are the rules, using the regular verb "arrive" and the irregular verb "eat":
Here's 2 examples: 1.I gobbled my food.....
I realised that i had 5 mins of recess left......
ans: 1.I gobbled my food after
i had realised that i had 5mins of recess left...
:2.First,I washed the car.... Then,I drove to the mall....
ans:After I had washed the car, I drove to the mall.

Monday, January 8, 2007

a reflection of today's english lesson

hmm....what have i learnt today???...such a difficult topic to write on..(not that i didn't pay attention but..., it is so difficult to express what i learned today in words)..
Well....we were given a composition from miss low, done by verna goh from 6-2 last year..790 words in a compo.. i would take at least two and a half hours to write such a long whole body would be so cramp, not to mention my neck...i find the story very ineresting and full of suspense too..she starts her composition with something like a flashback ,which is what many students usually use for the beginning of the story..she uses lots of interesting phrases such as 'screamed in fear and trepidation','unfolding right before my very eyes'and'audible sighs of relieve'..(i would definitely memorise a few n use them in my compos.. ha ha 跟verna偷学功夫)she describes everything very precisely and i can almost picture the scene in the story in my head..i think she could improve on .....NOTHING..seriously...
further more, verna's ending links with her beginning nicely..she is very creative..i think that she could be a very famous autor when she grows up...............

Sunday, January 7, 2007

Harvey Angell

HARVEY ANGELL is a very fun and interesting story written by Diana Henry..It is about a strange young man who moved into a very sad boarding house and lets loose a whole chain of strange events and emotions..The story is like this.... Henry,an orphaned lad,lives with his stingy and miserable aunt who runs a boarding house where the guests all do as she says.Aunt Agatha likes her boarders short, to fit in the tiny attic space she rents out, and small, so they won't eat more than two slices of toast in the morning. When Harvey Angell moves in, he fits the bill perfectly. He's small, and best of all, he never eats breakfast.
Life revolves around school dinners until one day a new lodger called Harvey Angell turns up and turns everything upside down. Harvey Angell claims to be 'a kind of electrician', but he is really a 'homer' - one who makes connections between the living and the dead so that their homes will be happier. Henry has been missing his parents, killed in an accident, and throughout the book we get short bits about his feelings of anger at his mum's leaving him. Because no one talks to him, those have to be repressed. Aunt Agatha refuses to talk about her loss too, and it is only at the end, after Harvey Angell has made all the 'connections', that she tells Henry about her little boy who died when he was four.....there are now 3 titles of HARVEY ANGELL Harvey Angell no.2 Harvey Angell and the Ghost Child no.3 Harvey Angell Beats Time..
I think that the book is quite exciting and i will most probably buy it some other time.Hope you have learned more about Harvey Angell after visiting my blog..

Thursday, January 4, 2007

helping the little ones

helping the little primary one students sure is a tough and tedious job.I am in charge of four little pupils, two from p1-3 and another two from p1-8. Although all of them are of the same age ,their characters are so different... My two buddies from p1-3,siti and taufiq, are too quiet. They would ignore me sometimes,especially taufiq.The other two are the opposite of them.they are very mischevious ,playful and talkative.I have to chase after them whenever they run as i dont want them to get lost...I treat my buddies like my own sibling. Although my help to them is limited,i will try my best to teach them........

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

first day at school

2007's first day of school is quite fun and exciting but still very tiring..i had to wake up very early so that i wouldn't miss the bus to school..although the holding school is very small and cramp,the place is still quite airy..but still the toilets really look like those in the horror movies where people are killed and their heads are flushed down the i wish we could move back to our own that i am already primary6,i am involved in the p1 buddy programme..i will be guiding 4 primary 1 students..i will always feel as if i am the students' big sister when i am looking after them..i hope i will have a happy time this year................