Friday, February 23, 2007

is money the root of all evil???

Errr... I guess that my answer is yes AND no...I mean.. Its very difficult to actually decide, and to give a answer as not all crimes or 'evil things' happen due to money..Okay, since it is so difficult to decide, I shall tell you why I would say 'Yes' and 'No'...

Lets start with the 'Yes' part..

Well, incidents or crimes such as robbery, pickpocketing, shoplifting,kidnapping and stealing cases are done by people because of money, so as to earn 'quick cash'.

But do think twice, some other cases like murder are NOT related to money..Thats when I get into the 'No' part...

Murder is an evil action but murder cases only occur when there are hatred between someone, but not because of money.That concludes that it is actually unfair to say that money is the root of evil...
Well, that is all I can say, and p.s. this is only my opinion, feel free to give a comment...8)


Jiaen said...
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Mrs Sim said...

Hmm... murder does not involve $$? True and not true. The "hatred" could have evolved from money squabbles. How about murdering someone to claim insurance benefits?

Just some things to think about..

Jiaen said...

Why is urs always so similar 2 mine??? We shares the same idea.....